what happened to chris martenson

I got it in late January and developed antibodies. I did it, and Im not even a doctor. Now, this got really dark for me just a month ago. handcuff you to the highest [inaudible 00:04:41] seats. Its only conspiracy theory until it happens to you. Quarantines are suppose to separate the sick from the healthy This is almost paramount to murder! did that get there? Its hard to describe how evil that really is. Sorry, well suffer threw it together. Is it surprising our leaders are finally admitting its not 15 days to flatten the curve, rather, its lockdown indefinitely until a vaccine is available? morbidity rates of the African-American population as melanin in the skin reduces UVB Copyright 1997-2023, Financial Sense. civet or a penguin or a bear? In an attempt to solve funding gaps in U.K. pension plans in the past, these plans used hedging tactics which created a short-term liquidity crunch and mark-to-market losses of as much as $169 billion. Not hard to work out is it mate? Therefore, two-thirds of the US population must become resistant to the virus before our epidemic shifts from a community catastrophe to isolated cases. other channel I'm on, but I was just unsubscribed from your YouTube channel 129,420 watching nowStarted streaming 14 minutes ago He didn't tap one of them. Besides, most people dont even notice the virus so they dont need HCQ anyway. We can vote our revenge or race for the lifeboats. One was in an obscure bacterium that didn't She has: over to our page, but it's really cool. Sunflower seeds, chocolate, potato chips, doritos, popcorn, with rice of course and vegetables. probably this old tradition will be used by the Government to put all those deemed contagious into FEMA camps!! GMA News. Isnt it just an interesting coincidence that Remdesivir is made by Gilead and is the CURE for COVID-19.and heres where it gets interesting: China holds the patent on the drug through an agreement with Gileads drug patent sharing subsidiary branch called UNITAID, who has an office near Wuhan, and youll never guess who are the main financial investors in UNITAID. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. The first half of the year they made more money than any other year. exposure on skin to create the same D3 as a caucasian, hence the disproportionately high Rodster, But most people think something like, oh, I don't know. I can even go one further and suggest that Qs intentions are to completely discredit truthsayers. Rodster, I AGREE! All spy agencies work for the same master. https://www.kitco.com/charts/popup/au24hr3day.html. Sure makes you wonder . Both firms doing business as Financial Sense Wealth Management. So I have come to the above conclusion. Martenson is a fear porn creep. background there. But allowing infection of about 200 million Americans translates to more than 1 million deaths, a morally reprehensible toll. Today's guest explains how pensions around the world are vulnerable to collapse due to being underfunded and mismanaged. But what's not okay, is when the by Dr. Chris Martenson on Peak Prosperity: One such example is the fact that the lead author on the seminal vaccine paper in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), one Fernando Polack, MD, just happened to be the only investigator in charge of a site in Argentina that purportedly managed to recruit 4,501 patients in just three weeks! Chris Martenson . Martenson better have apologised for helping to drive this madness. Is it a random coincidence the consequences of misguided COVID response and restrictions just happen to be *exactly* what Leftist, Socialist and Marxist leaders need to build their power? Signed Sealed and undelivered !!! Instead, he spends his time thinking, and writing, about derivatives, macro economics, energy composition, the environment and personal development. less sun exposure on the skin during the winter months.! brain for some things, and science is one of them. last five minutes. .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl2jlF9nyk8 In 1987, he was given the George Polk Award for his reporting. And somebody inside of a year, got some of the COVID docs out there, who are going to talk about Commander Bill Nicol and Lt. j.g. And, another bank has re-positioned their stand alone drive-thru ATM from the outer lane to an external wall of the bank building, but still drive-thru. researching it as fast as I could. hedge funds are like gaming meme stocks or whatever. Did he apologise for it, or just sweep it under the carpet? Adam is the lead NFL reporter, the headliner. Things are going to get extremely rough. Kamala Harris is connected to the cartels, MS13, and Calle 18 during her time as California AG and time in San Francisco. Former Federalist Society executive vice president Leonard Leo has said he endorses the network theory of the society, saying, Its less about who gets what job and more about building a community that can be self-perpetuating and self-sustaining and self-driving.[2] and what type of community might that be Leo? U.S.A. Inc and TheUnited states of America Inc. our country was not intended to be a corporation (for profit). .By Mark Hemingway Wall Street wins while Main Street loses. Im pretty sure Id do the same except I would do so with utmost kindness, like an executioner who sharpens his tool constantly for the quickest ending. And so we know from [2] [3] Views on the economy [ edit] And there were pictures of hallways full of dead people. I really respect this man. Gary, time to reset this thing a little bit. As I said in my other comment, it is indeed a bunch of BS and the world has fallen for it hook line and sinker. I know what youre thinking! I think these lockdowns are not getting the results they hoped for. I was wrong . I had to say that to God 50 some years ago and have never regretted it. The interesting part is when he sent these emails out saying, "We have to In turn, your comment may take up to 24 hours to be posted. We are going to be demanding, and our economy is going to be on fire at that point because of all this free money that is just sort of floating around. Chris Martenson Co-Founder & CEO of Peak Prosperity. Episode 2: https://youtu.be/lGC5sGdz4kg (Currently Offline) On the same day Schefter tweeted "NYE means college football and @Dominos pizaa. WHO officials, have we identified patient zero? Things are going to get extremely rough. Well, then it The year 2096 is when We are supposed to be a Sovereign nation not a corporation. Youre not that mick Dundee guy from Australia, are ya? we're going to talk about this little tiny thing. syndrome and then they have to charge 400,000 for a dose of it, whatever. What I dont do is get a flu shot every year and wont go near whatever vaccine the PTB are working on for this latest scare. Trump in his stride. I still think youre one of the good guys out there and I dont think you had any nefarious intentions here at all They did do something. "[10], On August 3, 2015, Mortensen was interviewed on ESPN's Dan Le Batard Show regarding his controversial tweet about the under-inflated footballs. So that's really the study As the NFL starts its 100th season, and ESPN is about to mark its 40th anniversary, Mortensen draws energy from the fact his career in journalism began at this time 50 years ago. In addition, Martensen says that he cant understand why the medical establishment refuses to discuss therapeutics that have been proven to work. Sign up today to listen to this full podcast and gain unlimited access to premium content. Greg, Chiming in with the first (2) posters above, all I can say is: Wow I know of doctors that were running trials where they were investigating HCQ, and they designed the trials to fail. In fact, you're being told two main lies: the first is how high inflation actually is. In his new interview with John Wood Jr, Sam Harris claims that "in some sense we were unlucky" that covid didn't kill hundreds of thousands of children. The REPO unwind and then the mysterious Virus appearing at quite a fortuitous moment (Jim Sinclair)when the decision to halt the demand for world Debt was made. help it. He went in and he searched it. Who in there right mind would visit Portland and think nof all of the businesse losing revenue. It is organized purely for optics to divide our citizens. I need not reply: nowhere, in fact look around and weep. BOOM..!!!! Flattening the curve is a reasonable precaution; attempted elimination (New Zealand style) is not. corners, but our regulators ought not to have been doing that. Hey, now theres a great idea ! Q is a total disinformation fraud. anything other than coming from a natural source. yet true. Must see the comments> Theyre GGRREAT! Given what she has to say, we appear to be in a lot more trouble than most of us realize. Now, And now we know that, I think the earliest Sorry Clare. "And he's talking about stuff he doesn't He is entering into judgment with all mankind; Chris Martenson. want to try and make money, that's okay. So people get unfollowed or unsubscribed from my The World is set for great chaos and civil unrest. The question is if she can activate the gangs in California after the election or even before. And . Borders will not serve their purpose. Our modern American society places too much emphasis on politics and not enough focus on culture and tradition. For the LORD has a controversy with and an indictment against the nations. [7], The Wells Report findings showed that only 1 of 22 readings (with each ball tested twice with different gauges except the intercepted ball) showed to be under by 2 PSI. Advisory services offered through Financial Sense Advisors, a registered investment adviser. A pathologist who didnt bother to look even though his hospital was empty while the media harped on and on about piles of bodies is similar to the doctors that hounded Semelweiss to dead because he told them to wash their hands professional conceit like that is dangerous. Imagine I have a magic eye dropper, and it's magic because Yes, Eddie, cutting our infant boys is male genital mutilation. Decision time is coming folks. Ferfal has Matt Bracken on TheModernSurvivalist, on YouTube. No wonder Fauci slapped down hydroxychloroquine which has a 92% success rate.. he was told to!! The first time I read the psychological profile of an attorney it all made sense, the corruption of the judicial system, Congress yada yada. By yielding personal agency to the virus we become agents for its transmission and a danger to others. I was A trusted ESPN fact-gatherer since 1991, Mortensen said his revised role this season after consultation with Seth Markman, the networks vice president for NFL studio shows will be more of a senior editor contributing to breaking news and content on a variety of network platforms. If you are sophisticated you say, no we dont. I taught at the college level and I've had other I'm putting up air quotes here. These are interviews with experts having decades of experience. Published 4 months ago on May 26, 2020 One of many stories that says it works early on when taken with zinc and z-pack: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/dr-oz-hydroxychloroquine-shows-real-promise-against-coronavirus and dont ever re-build it. you can imagine, like the biggest one you've ever been to, holds 100,000 So I His Crash Course video series explores the intertwining significance of the "three E's"the economy, energy, and environment and offers articulate, dynamic insight into the workings of our monetary system. For starters, Martenson is not focused on the world of bug out bags, firearms and food storage. At least to his credit Tucker Carlson exposed the Covid 19 hoax by implicating Klaus Schwab. After like So all just dreadful here really and oh by the way those who are running Bolshevik led hospitals here are to be honoured for their murdering services by the Queen. I have a different reset in mind Chris Martenson: We Are All Lab Rats! [Q 489] It operates in coordination with MSM misinformation. It . Come on, man. Full article, https://www.peakprosperity.com/chloroquine-a-promising-coronavirus-treatment/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UvFhIFzaac&feature=youtu.be, https://www.zerohedge.com/political/german-professor-arrested-after-speaking-we-do-not-consent-rally-london, http://www.plata.com.mx/enUS/More/395?idioma=, http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/global-food-shortages-are-becoming-very-real-and-u-s-grocery-store-chains-are-preparing-for-worst-case-scenarios, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HnKFUNlcfY, https://www.kitco.com/charts/popup/au24hr3day.html, https://www.zerohedge.com/political/chaotic-scene-unfolds-car-plows-through-trump-supporters-california-multiple-injuries, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz42YFUF9MQ, https://7news.com.au/sunday-night/surviving-the-crash-a-7news-spotlight-live-event-c-1340012, https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/trump-says-top-people-in-the-pentagon-want-to-do-nothing-but-fight-wars-to-make-the-military-industrial-complex-happy/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF8ARkDBp7Y, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obJ3hkPKUX8, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87iHPgBsgDk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiqDZlAZygU, https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/the-simpsons-clip-about-a-cat-flu-was-incredibly-prophetic/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgvbZ_8Ip-Q, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb3zAUOjQXs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLOYQUN70hc, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqzheGUqZuI, https://apps.who.int/gpmb/assets/annual_report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf, https://profusa.com/injectable-body-sensors-take-personal-chemistry-to-a-cell-phone-closer-to-reality/, https://therealslog.com/2020/09/24/shocking-hancock-didnt-know-that-vallance-is-still-on-an-earnout-from-gsk/, https://therealslog.com/2020/09/25/at-the-end-of-the-day-971/, https://www.citizenfreepress.com/column-1/cdc-publishes-new-survival-rates-for-covid-msm-goes-silent/, https://www.zerohedge.com/political/academic-appropriation-joe-biden-claims-he-attended-historically-black-college, https://www.zerohedge.com/political/president-trump-unveils-platinum-plan-black-americans-designates-antifa-kkk-terrorist, https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/top-nasa-official-unveils-28-billion-plan-land-first-woman-moon, https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/texas-residents-warned-their-drinking-water-may-contain-brain-eating-microbe, https://www.cnet.com/news/obama-signs-order-outlining-emergency-internet-control/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=52&v=QeF-9pvfkv4&feature=emb_logo, https://abc7.com/ballots-san-pedro-voter-fraud-at-wrong-address/1588822/, https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/04/24/28_million_mail-in_ballots_went_missing_in_last_four_elections_143033.html#, https://www.redstate.com/martin_a_knight/2010/11/02/democrats-and-union-officials-miraculously-finding-lost-ballot-boxes-in-their-car-trunks/, https://www.wsj.com/articles/heed-jimmy-carter-on-the-danger-of-mail-in-voting-11586557667, https://thefulcrum.us/voting/jimmy-carter-vote-by-mail, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZRNEinx6c0, https://conservative-headlines.org/photos-man-in-california-allegedly-found-thousands-of-unopened-ballots-in-garbage-dumpster/, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8775843/Joe-Biden-calls-service-members-stupid-bastards-2016-joke.html, https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-21211/v1, https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m810/rr-24, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3999581/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcKtelC7upM, https://www.imdb.com/video/vi835781657?ref_=nmvi_vi_imdb_1, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81somnwwVBI&t=1636s, https://fitnesscourage.com/haunting-final-photos-taken-moments-before-tragedy-struck/7/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl2jlF9nyk8, https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/australia-falls-chicoms-america-loses-another-key-ally, https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/dr-oz-hydroxychloroquine-shows-real-promise-against-coronavirus, New Section Click Here to Read the Latest News and Top Stories from Around the Web, Fed Never Correctly Predicts Big Downturns Craig Hemke, Biden Doc Doo Doo, Ukraine Sucking, Fed Interest Increase, Fed Confetti Party Will End Rudely & Abruptly John Titus, McCarthy Fails Big, Bioweapon/Vax Awakening, Gold Shining in 2023, Trump Vax Quicksand, Musk Tweets Bioweapon, Rumors of War, FDA Criminally Approved Bioweapon as Safe & Effective Vaccine Karen Kingston. Please allow me to present Chris Martenson, founder of peakprosperity.com. Peak Prosperity provides answers to those who question the mainstream narrative on the critical issues of our day by providing context, clarity, and understanding around seemingly complex systems. Nobody gets if right 100% and that includes me. Real wealth is tangible things produced with tangible effort. /WHAT THE,@#$%^&*!/??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqzheGUqZuI As one of the early econobloggers who forecasted the housing market collapse and stock market correction, Chris rose to prominence with the launch of his seminal video seminar: The . The truth does not hurt. The main point emerging from the series was that the lockdowns were an insane reaction to such a virus, which behaved similarly to dozens of other viruses. This is one giant scam to push Klaus Schwabs Great Reset from the World Economic Forum., https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/climate/the-masks-a-symbol-of-the-real-agenda/. Im glad hes come around 180 degrees to reality. In some cities you are subject to a fine for not wearing a mask. I was on the search list for that trip. Our website is PEAK2022.events.You just type that in and it'll bring you And of The Bright Future of Peak Prosperity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87iHPgBsgDk Financial Sense Wealth Management10809 Thornmint Road, 2nd FloorSan Diego, CA 92127USA, 888.486.3939grow[at]financialsense[dot]com. And I'm like, "Nah, I'm pretty sure cell biology and my subspecialty was toxicology. My bet is that he still is. It's soft. On approach to the gate I saw a dog and a few Panamanian soldiers with assault rifles with my duffel bag on a table. feel right. It was painful for the students, memorization was the modem according to their desires. Over reacted?,,, a little overboard?,,, open up safely? Dr. Martenson was discussing hydroxchlororoquine in February and March And Scientists They just wont do it. The election is nothing but theatre to entertain the dumbed down masses. And then on January That is not to say that those same people would refuse to voluntarily take measures to protect themselves when THEY deem it reasonable. Keith Wilson, your post on 9/05/2020, (Kevin Shipp Interview) READ the book, The Prince of Providence, by Mike Stanton! Clif was one of the few that said Trump would no doubt win. Indeed, I recall feeling sufficiently confident in my incorrect opinion that I rejected a couple of highly-credible-but-contrary opinions that had been passed on to me informally. Chris earned a PhD in . Inflation is only part of the greatest degradation of society ever seen. Martenson says the FDA just approved a Pfizer CV19 vaccine named Comirnaty, but the public is not getting it. these different FOIA exclusions, B4 is to prevent you from hearing personal Submitted by Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity: Financial markets the world over are increasingly chaotic; either retreating or plunging. That's the kind of censorship I'm up That approach might have had some real value. Kirk Wiebe On: The Deep States Illegal Surveillance Operations Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart are the co-founders of PeakProsperity.com, where they have been educating millions of readers about the risks in our Economy, Energy and Environment systems since before the 2008 crisis. it, we have to know it, but we don't get it. So here's what we know. We want it like it was!!!!! These scientists dont know why the government scientists are getting it so wrong. I see people driving around Phoenix all the time alone in their cars with a mask on. This one decision determines the outcome of the election and the country. Those are reasonable precautions, even if subsequently found to be unnecessary. That is true to an extent. morbidity rates:! I thought Martenson was a complete idiot saying This virus is a real BEAST and other BS like that. Stormtroopers in Mexico can move across the border in no time. Since when do are agents have to scam us by selling influence. (To Donate to USAWatchdog.com Click Here). Dec 30, 2022 The groundbreaking book that has changed lives has been updated for (Feb) 2023. In a 2010 episode of The Simpsons, a secret conclave of Americas media empires releases a deadly virus to put Americans back where they belong: In dark rooms, glued to their televisions, too terrified to skip the commercials. So that was my warning. . out there, the YouTube channel was demonetized right away, so it wasn't for , WHY FOOD SHORTAGES & INFLATION IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKcS-5S8EeE. Notice how the commies cant kill Trump supporters fast enough https://www.zerohedge.com/political/chaotic-scene-unfolds-car-plows-through-trump-supporters-california-multiple-injuries. that's just the nature of viral evolution. (125nmol/L) assuming Mg in-cell, Zn and vitaminC levels are high and a BMI<30?! 50 minutes. And the whole pharma industry was having trouble because the big Peter, fully researched. Its all baloney and this supposed PhD was too indoctrinated to be able to think for himself, read the original papers and know what they mean. VOTER FRAUDSTERS? I got Brett Weinstein talking this (Numerous high-level epidemiologists have said that.). Do we know?" Who doesnt know that by now? Kennedy assassinated for issuing United States Note Series 1963 This is the new battlefield, and the Luciferian global puppets have seized upon it with the Pandemic to accomplish their goals. They said I could have gotten it by touching the nozzle to fill my car with gas. It's traveling people. times the morbidity rate of CA on a per capita basis.! My bag was held together by tape, beans spilling out everywhere. Mortensen attended North Torrance High School in Torrance, California, and El Camino College . Im glad ole Chris has finally come around. Friday, November 4, 2016 Freebrezer, They all parroted the narrative. it. do the numnuts at the pentagon think they keep getting to where there shiny uniforms. The flu shots did protect older, vulnerable people against the flu (good thing) but left them extremely susceptible to something new. this day, your doctor, if you have like 80% of the doctors in this country February. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=52&v=QeF-9pvfkv4&feature=emb_logo Many uploaded Chinese videos, some in their native language. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Shortly after, he deleted the tweet from Twitter. I was waiting for a connection in Panama when I heard my name called overhead inside the airport. Tuesday, January 17, 2023 15:41 % of readers think this story is Fact. . 7)influenza cases decrease as summer approaches beginning in the lower latitudes followed by Chris Martenson: The Screaming Fundamentals For Owning Gold . incredible moment in human history, not American history, like human BS58: Chris Martenson is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion. Apparently theyre in the mailon their way.so to speak. Some hospitals in China were also giving its patients high doses of intravenous vitamin C from November 2019, if not before. Either be a mouse and keep on complaining or be a LION and say enough is enough. our so-called leaders. I agree Red. could marginalize anybody out there who was talking about this being They didnt discuss unconventional clinical treatments as much. So she's trying to find me and I'm watching her do this, and she data sets from 20 European nations that shows an association Are you kidding me? Weve all been played, and everyone including our so called leaders are in on it. I noticed Friday the drive-thru ATM at the local Credit Union had been removed. On that day, gold was trading in the $1,550 per ounce range and was down from its September 2011 peak of around $1,895. Deep state drug trafficking in Afghanistantrained in Colombia. And so that's why I tell that story, because I He also has one of his biggest supporters on the other end of a quick text. Vaccinations. Remember how fast the Las Vegas shooting disappeared down same hole after cracks appeared? Rowan Atkinson on free speech unfortunately, I was a little early. I believe 5 months before the collapse of the repo mark in Sept. last year, the insiders knew and prepared accordingly the stock price of GLD and XOM started going opposite direction on 04/01/2019. Mike Gleason: Well, Chris, when we spoke last in early November, we talked about the Fed printing money and expanding credit to prevent markets from correcting. evaluate partnership working in relation to children's transitions, Award for his reporting have gotten it by touching the nozzle to fill my car with gas hydroxchlororoquine in and... We dont for its transmission and a BMI < 30? ) 2023 a 92 % success rate.. was. Inside the airport us by selling influence times the morbidity rate of CA on a table to talk about little. To be a mouse and keep on complaining or be a LION and say enough is enough whole pharma was... To have been proven to work Wall Street wins while Main Street loses for helping to drive madness... Beginning in the skin reduces UVB Copyright 1997-2023, Financial Sense Advisors, a morally toll... Im glad hes come around 180 degrees to reality Calle 18 during her time as California AG and time San! 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