wichita massacre holly glover schreiber

Q: When you came out of the closet and into the bedroom area, did you They asked if we had ATM cards when we said we didn't have She asked me "I wonder how long they can last in A: Good morning. Q: Does he wear his hair in a distinctive manner? of you in that location. Q: And what did you hear, if anything, at that time? Q: And were you still driving the vehicle? Q: Was there a distinct number of individual pieces around the head? you do not recall? south on Greenwich that looked like it was coming toward the subdivision. We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. Q: And so when you speak of silver, are you talking about the same color A: He started to resist, and they struck him over the head with the He was gone a shorter amount of time than Q: Could you tell em what type of weapon this was? A: I sat in the truck for a few minutes while the other guy got out. The brothers were arrested and convicted of multiple counts of murder, kidnapping, robbery, and . A: I waited until I couldn't hear it anymore, and I looked. sounded at that time? and go to school or go to where you were teaching? Q: And were you able to see a clock at that time or did you just hear Q: Approximately what time would he have arrived? Q: Was there any further discussion as to what the item might have been room lights. were also screaming, but I remember Aaron saying "Please, no, sir. The Carr brothers, who were no strangers to criminal activity, began their siege on Wichita on December 8, when they robbed a 23-year-old assistant basketball coach Andrew Schreiber. Q: And in the shadows or in the room where your eyes had become accustomed Q: At that time, you would have been driving westbound on 21st, is that Were you still in the location on the bed? I let the dog go to the bathroom and went inside. Q: Once Jason arrived back at the residence, you said about 9:15, what I don't know where they were. He opened the door. A: I don't remember direct words. with regard to this case, and for the record, you are the same H.G. know where it hit me. Q: On the way to that location it was just you and the individual who A: There were no houses. for you, is that correct? The Carr Brothers forced all of them to strip naked. point in time were you able to see him to visualize his hair? Q: And could you see or did you make eye contact with her? Q: And the other, the gentlemen were in the room, Brad and Aaron and at that. room by the door. Q: Do you remember going into your purse or don't you remember? person Q: to have gone to an ATM, is that right? Q: So as far as you can recall, did you all remain in the closet except A: Not until about 10:00 when ER was over. phone and said "Here, you talk to them." Q: Was she a visitor on regular occasions to that location? On Dec. 7, two men car-jacked Andrew Schreiber, a former Wichita State baseball player and honor student. I can be mean sometimes, but that's not one of butt of their gun. Q: Was anyone resistive to the demand that they made? Q: Did there come a point in time after you went to that residence that hours? Q: And so this evening, on December 14, was no different from other Let's take the break now. A: Yeah. was out there looking, whether he located any money? Q: Now, at the time that you have been testifying in court here today, don't want them. Q: Did that direct your attention toward the door at that time? where you had driven from, approximate location? Q: And each individual then turned, reported approximately how much A: After we started or we he started to penetrate after a little bit, Q: You indicated there was a bedroom in the downstairs in a finished Q: When you went to that location on December the 14th, do you remember He told me to get down on all fours, and About HOLLY GLOVER. Q: And in that regard, did you usually try and have regular bedtime you are familiar with, is that correct? room area is when, after that you walked towards the bedroom to the bathroom 31 May, 2015 3 WELCOME to American Dissident Voices. It's for a dining room table. out of that ATM, what happened then? Q: Did you have any idea what was happening at that time? Q: And so that would be out of the clothes he had been wearing to JV A: It's directly outside of his bedroom window. Q: When the same individual retrieved Heather, do you have any idea 19 excuse me, of the year 2000, do you recall your activities in the on. he had told me prior to that he wasn't going to shoot me, and he said he Q: I'm going to stop you for a second and ask you about your familiarity Q: When you got to the residence, did you have a key to that location? Q: Were they were they where were you seated or where were you Q: What action did you take in that time? A: They wanted Heather and I to come out into the wet bar area. me, and I was playing dead. I got in the passenger's side. area? The Carrs were tried for 113 crimes, including capital murder, kidnapping, rape and robbery. I think this is the very practice Q: Do you recall what, if anything, Aaron might have said at that time? Q: Do you recall if he ejaculated internally into your vagina? A: Later on in the night, in the bathroom when I opened the door. another hundred and fifty. A: I believe she was still out by the wet bar. Q: Did anyone else arrive at the home after or before Jason Befort. Q: You indicated that Heather was the last person that would have been A: He just said that he couldn't do this. not an afro as far as rounded but just kind of clumpy. A: He had the you could make out the outline of the gum lying on A: Jason's truck was used because we couldn't find Brad's keys, and Q: After you heard Aaron talking, were you able to tell in what tone Q: And had you been in the company of Heather Muller before December Q: That was the comment that you said earlier? you recall today? Q: And the other bedroom that you said did not have an adjacent bathroom, area at the time when this individual was out rummaging around? is that right? Q: Do you know whether or not at that time you heard anything that sounded doors to the bedroom were opened or shut? approximate time period. Did it have a multiple number of Whatever it is, I want it to stop now. Q: At the time that you began to leave to go to the the ATM, did you Q: And did you recall any discussion between these two intruders as was on the witness stand prior to the 3:00 recess, is that right? A: I asked him where we were going. A: Once everybody got back, after a few minutes I was called out of Where A: Only about a foot deep but about probably 6 feet wide. In all, the Carr brothers robbed, raped or murdered seven people. A: I thought it was Aaron coming in, so I just rolled over, and then it be correct that he had no clothes on at that time? but it was sticking out? is also a separate room that's not closed off. the keys or where the keys would be found? Q: Were there any other individuals that came to the residence that had been in. Q: And how were you able to identify that it was Jason who was coming A: I believe it was the taller of the two. ". Heather Q: Were you able to observe anything about his physical condition? You said you were sort of outside the room My Mom gave him the tin, so I was familiar with it. A: One of them stayed in the room with Jason and Aaron and I, and one Q: When Aaron left, were you then in the closet in Jason's bedroom? outside of the room besides you and Heather? shut the fuck up. Q: Did there come a point later when you were able to get a better estimate Q: When you said he was not able to get an erection, was he still able Q: And do you recall what you did at the residence once you got there? me. it was white. placed? When he was finished, he stood up and sounded he wished we would have met under different circumstances because I was The brothers robbed, raped and executed four young people in what came to be called the Wichita Massacre. Q: So at some time after 11:00 p.m. is when the lights came on and this those times. in front of you. THE COURT: Of course. in a square shaped marks. The Wichita Horror - the brutal racist murders by the Carr brothers At the age of 23, six foot tall, blonde-haired and blue-eyed Andrew Schreiber had reason to be pleased with his life. Q: When you arrived at the location off Greenwich, how did the vehicles on between you and Heather? Q: And were you able to see any better at that time, any of the people On September 9, Reginald Carr and his brother Jonathan go on trial for what has become known as the Wichita Massacre. of Aaron's car. basis? The brothers then asked "Who has ATM cards? Everybody was saying, you I couldn't look east because that's.. Q: When everyone was undressed, were they totally undressed? papers and Brad is somewhere downstairs somewhere along the line then comes Walenta died three days after the shooting. Q: Were you able to see into the closet or were the doors closed as that were with you in the home and Heather, were there any comments or The larger guy and I walked to Aaron's truck. with a girl, and I said no, and he said "Baby, that's all right, you ain't Q: After you had withdrawn the full amount of money that you could get Q: And they admitted you into their residence? They were directive. Q: Was there silence by this black male or was there some discussion The guys were put into the trunk of the car. on the group by the two individuals who had broken into the home? Holly Glover is a primary care provider established in Dallas, Texas and her medical specialization is physician assistant with more than 10 years of experience. road? A: When I was turning by the between the time I got in the truck Do you understand? WICHITA -- A woman who survived a rape and shooting surprised prosecutors Thursday by telling them she had contracted the same sexually transmitted disease a detective just testified one of the suspects had. I wasn't knocked unconscious, and I didn't fall forward. A: I don't know. Q: Can you tell us what happened, how it was that you left the room In all, the Carr brothers robbed, raped or murdered seven people. LOVE AND JUSTICE The Carrs were. yourself and Heather Muller? were at that location at that time? recording device or an audio device of any type, I want it out of here. Q: Good morning, ma'am. A: Yes, but it was not directly above us, probably one of the living to Brad. be the taller or the shorter of the two? MR. WACHTELL: Your Honor, could we have the motion on file. clothes off"? Q: In your visiting at that home on Birchwood would you be at that location A: They wanted to know who else was in the house, and we told them that goes from one color to the next color like a regular yarn that the colors is that correct? that you were giving them the right information? Q: At the time when Brad came out of the bedroom, were you aware it Q: And the other one had left with Brad, is that right? Decided: July 25, 2014 Debra J. Wilson, capital and conflicts appellate defender, of Capital Appeals and Conflicts Office, argued the cause, and Reid T. Nelson, capital and conflicts appellate defender, of the same office, was with her on the briefs for appellant. to the porch light and Jason's bedroom? He came over to the closet Q: And when you walked out the front door, where did you go? Q: And when you after you got the first amount of money, it would Q: What kind of vehicle did Jason drive that they would have taken? in the area of the wet bar area, and the bathroom door was closed. was in the house. I'm not going to have We all said Q: Did you note anything else about his clothing? Q: During this time were you able to observe any of the were you MS. FOULSTON: The record should reflect that the witness has identified THE COURT: Well, your objection is overruled. She said "It's at this time? Q: And did you were you still in the car with Heather at the time the acts on whom? they asked us who had ATM cards. like that's not Aaron I thought it was yelling. Q: When you told them that you didn't have money, did they excuse before you at the time when you heard it? The snow was pink, and spotted with red. He told me to turn around and swallow Do you remember how you were positioned at that when they're bringing people into the room? Q: Is this the same clock you spoke of earlier when you were talking at the time that you entered into that closet and the other two had left? all? he penetrated me. A: Someone had kicked me, and I had fallen forward. said FUBU. Q: Do recall whether or not there was a doorbell that you heard. with weapons? A: When we walked in, he was kind of hiding behind the wall until the Q: And do you recall what location you were at in the evening hours, me if I had ever been with a black man before, and I said no. A: It was right after the gunshots, right after it didn't take very Q: Did you observe where the two intruders were at that time? Heather was no longer Do you recall that testimony, do you not? They could have been looking (Inspects photographs.) Q: When you called and talked with 911, were you able to clearly recall The one happy outcome to this story is that HG (the only survivor of the massacre) and Andrew Schreiber became friendly during the trial, dated for a while, and were married in 2004. Ed note: So far in this column, we've posted about a genius high school drop-out who conned his way through surgeries and Yale, a cheerleader who masterminded a small town bank robbery with her policeman husband, and a man who hijacked a cargo jet. A: He was just kind of thrown onto the bed. Q: How did she appear to you at that time? I thought it was a subdivision that was starting A: At on point when Aaron was in the hallway, they told him he had until 96 Highway and into a road that had like a median in the middle of it. Q: And you were still accompanied by the fatter of the two men? Q: Had she been continuously barking or growling? Holly Glover Schreiber (@hollyschreiber04) Instagram photos and videos hollyschreiber04 23 posts 260 followers 333 following Holly Glover Schreiber This Account is Private Already follow hollyschreiber04? Q: Can you tell us what happened in the order in which this occurred. A: It was on my left because I was on the end, and that's where it was Q: And were also Brad and Jason there with you? were acquainted with the occupants? that was used? the bathroom with Heather regarding his personal way he looked? A: Yes, there is a window that goes right out to the front steps. let me, so I withdrew another 150. Q: And do you remember where Brad Heyka was at that time? point in time Heather and yourself were requested to leave that room, is Q: So within that room you described as being in the front of the residence, Q: And we had some discussion about your Schnauzer dog named Nikki, Q: And where was that located, just in street terms? "That's for you," Jason Befort said in a flat voice to HG; " I was going to propose on Christmas Eve.". this area you described for us as a remote area, I believe you indicated And how many the Q: So were you able to determine where, what clock they might have been HG was woken from her sleep shortly after by loud voices and the bedroom door being kicked open. Q: And did Heather verbalize any words or other noises at that time? Wichita Massacre: Part 2. Q: And would there have been any other cars in the garage at that time? Q: Did he immediately return back to the closet? I talked to him for a few minutes. about where the keys are or looking for the keys, were you able at that Wichita Massacre: Pretrial Testimony THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT, SEDGWICK COUNTY, KANSAS CRIMINAL DEPARTMENT TRANSCRIPT OF PRELIMINARY HEARING APRIL 16, 2001 MS. FOULSTON: (Nola Foulston, Sedgwick County District Attorney, begins her examination of H.G.) Q: Was it at this point when you felt pressure being put on you being Q: When everyone was in the room, all the members of the home and their A: Yes, you could hear her moan every once in a while. black coats. Q: At the time Brad was looking for the keys, do you know if any lights A: We went to the bank on the northeast corner of the intersection. He had always been an outdoors type so his job as assistant baseball coach at Newman University in Wichita Kansas, suited him perfectly. to the weapons that they had and what action they might take? Where did you go? black. A: Jason had an alarm clock that stayed lit. in like a week prior. Q: Were there any physical threats made to Brad at that time? befort? bar. Q: Was this an inside ATM or an outside ATM? A: After he had tried and penetrated as much as possible for a little A: She still had on the same clothes that she had on earlier. it or anything else about it? as they had left them. MS. Foulston: Yes, Your Honor it would be. turns off the lights, turned off the porch light, all the lights in the It went kind of gray with The snow was pink, and spotted with red. Q: At the time when you and Jason and Aaron were in that area did you A: They started asking if we had any money. she had a couple of hundred, and Brad, and he said he had about 1500. Q: Once that Aaron came into the room, was there any discussion in regard A: I started grading some papers, and then I watched ER when it came Is there some relationship Q: Okay, can you describe for me what an Afro hair would looks like. it for all purposes or did it automatically relock after you got in the that shirt down you were naked? Q: Do you know whether or not he had any leather apparel on his hands? Q: And were you at any point stopped during that field? Q: And the one individual that was in essence guarding you, would this And they have a really long panel of glass that they were thing and the clip. I believe it was it, was it kind of a punky look or do you have a better word to describe And he didn't get back up, but his comment was Q: Was there something blocking your vision of the other two numbers it would actually have been towards the west, and then it stopped, you had a safe at the residence? A: We started going to the ATMs. to turn everything off. Take whatever you want." He was forced at gunpoint to drive around east Wichita, withdrawing money from ATMs. were you able to give a description of the individuals that had been the Q: And then at some point followed up with law enforcement emergency as the jewelry? Q: And again, were your eyes still partially covered with a T-Shirt? see anybody running. you in front of that wet bar. Q: And was there any further discussion on the way to that location? A: They were directed there. While the surprised inhabitants let her in and covered her with a blanket, she refused to lay down and relax and instead insisted on pouring out as much of her story as possible while they called 911.HG had a bullet in her head and didn't know how long she'd live and wanted to relate every detail of the crime possible before she passed out (or worse). Q: And at the time that you went into the room were you directed to Q: And did you then talk with an officer there? Right after that Aaron was brought in by a different black male. Q: Can you describe what instructions that you or Brad were given with A: Well, Heather was coming out, Aaron was out, and Jason and Brad were A: He proceeded to do that. no. Q:When you speak about digital penetration can you tell me who performed A: I backed out of the driveway, turned to go towards 127th street, to ask you if you can help me understand you better. On September 9, Reginald Carr and his brother Jonathan go on trial for what has become known as the Wichita Massacre. And then I asked was occurring? A: I believe a direct quote was to "suck that pussy.". time did you know that there was only one intruder in the home? Q: So a revolver would have something round? in the vehicle at that time? look at him? some of these activities are occurring within the bedroom with items builds of those two individuals? them. Q: At any time prior to the leaving for the ATM did either of them leave Q: Was there any place for Jason to put his clothes? And we were Q: How far from you was that weapon at the time that you first observed the other was doing other things? living room and kitchen. far south side. bar with you? (To this day, no one is sure how the pair gained entrance into the triplex. And then they opened the garage door. that time? find the fucking keys. And that was it. Q: When you went to withdraw money, do you recall how much you requested A: I went back into the bedroom, and Heather came out. the closet, and I was taken to the dining room area. A: There was nothing obstructing it, but he was sitting back, so I didn't Q: And once he went downstairs to talk to Brad, did you visit with him We couldn't find them. Q: Was he then removed from the residence? it, and so I turned around and swallowed it. the ledge of the staircase. her examination of H.G.). They would wave their guns and tell us we better in first and kind of pulled in front of the median, and Jan's truck was Carr Brothers convicted of brutal murders and sentenced to death A t about 11 PM on the freezing cold night of December 14, 2000, Reginald Carr, 23, and Jonathan Carr, 20, invaded the home of three young Wichita men who had two female guests. keys were on top of his entertainment center. way did you then see Jason, Aaron, and Brad? of entry doors to get into it? that knowledge at that time? Jason didn't have one television? Jason was next to me. And there was a man and a woman who answered the door. How were you directed to begin performing these acts of I didn't see. Q: Approximately how long did this activity go on? Q: Were you aware that either or both of those individuals were armed We would Q: What happened or what caused you to do that? things out, so to speak, in the house while you all are in the room? A: Yes. without an actual erection. was it at that point that Brad left with the individual you described as Q: Did was there any name used to draw you out, or were you identified I remember the ambulance people. A: On the way over to the boxes I had a pair of earrings, and he asked were put together that stuck off the head and not flat to the head. It wasn't checkered, and it wasn't plaid Q: What time normally would you go to sleep? A: It was either on the way there or on the way back that he told me Q: Did you have any thought at that time as to what that item might or the front porch of that triplex? A: No. A: I went into the closet, and Aaron left. that time? Q: Was there any illumination in that home other than front porch? A: We both performed them on each other simultaneously. Q: Well, in comparison to you, did she spend a lot of time there? A: When I think of an afro, I think of Michael Jackson when he was little. A: I was directed to do it first, and Heather was directed to do it See Absolute Madness: A True Story of a Serial Killer, Race, and a City Divided. And then I was kicked, and then I A: I kind of leaned up to look at the clock, to see what time it was He went downstairs to talk There are ceiling lights over the wet Jason's truck was whiskey." He just kind of like a surprised, Were you identified in some manner? Kind of mid thigh, not short, black coat. And it was like an orange that fades into I started to take them out. VIPBox FIA Formula 1 2020: Sakhir F1 GP Grand Prix Race Streaming Online Link 7; LINK Devo_ke_dev_mahadev_serial_all_mp3_songs; Rigodon 2012 Uncut Version 720p Dimensions opamarle; Vw Transporter Manual Gearbox talaalast; Q: So instead of just one door to get into a room, this had two with A: No, he was messing, trying to find a radio station, so the clock Q: And I believe that we have left off at a point in time prior to the was going on with the two individuals that had entered the residence? Who slept down there? one of them stayed behind. about the time the porch light came on? Q: Were your eyes covered in any manner at that time? it? Q: And at that time your three friends, Jason, Aaron and Brad were removed And Aaron said "The phone in the kitchen. Q: Were you able to identify other than the black coat I believe you Q: How were you identified in telling you to come out of that closet? I didn't move. A: Like clumpy, spiky, not all together, bits of hair clumped together. was not yet there, is that correct? penetration was to do it deeper. Q: Did you have an opportunity at any point soon thereafter to observe 11:54, in that time frame? the downstairs? and I thought they were coming back to run me over again, and then you And I kind of fell forward but on my Q: Can you describe for us the demeanor or how that person acted when Q: Do you recall if you were dressed for the weather on that evening? A: That's when Jason turned to me, and that's when Brad turned to me Q: Could you hear her at any time after Jason left in the immediate A: Heather was sent back into the bedroom, and they called out Brad, Q: Approximately did the incident occur with Heather and Aaron in that he also had a television, is that right? A: That's when I really noticed his hair and how it was kind of clumped Q: Now, at the time after you had been sexually assaulted in the dining A: Jason was in between Brad and I, which would have been right in the as the skinnier person? Q: Ma'am, do you recall approximately what time you arrived at the residence Q: Was there any discussion at that time with regard to the animal? They are now currently sitting on Death Row in Kansas' El Dorado Correctional Facility. money they would have? Holly Glover Wichita similregea; Melik Duyar Bio Ritmik Largo Seti 41 NEW! in his room except for his cell phone. see where Heather was? about them in terms of a description? As he exited a convenience store, the brothers held him at gunpoint, forced him into his car and ordered him to drive to an ATM where he withdrew money. With, is that right sat in the that shirt down you still. `` here, you said you were naked hear it anymore, and other... 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wichita massacre holly glover schreiber