ecclesiastes 10:4 explanation

They think money will solve all their problems. Proud member A wise person may also lose his opportunity to give counsel through the error of someone else, for example, one of the rulers he has been advising. 2018 David Guzik No distribution beyond personal use without permission. So, dont get terrified and lose your cool, but rather yield to him! Changes will take effect once you reload the page. Its like when both evil and good men die with no distinction. This explains "leave not thy place" - do not, in a resisting spirit, withdraw from thy post of duty. Solomons great wealth meant he could use all his time toward his investigations. Blessed are you, O land, when your king is the son of nobles, Life is a mystery. On top of that I lose my mouse cursor after drawing (when toggling so I am forced to get into . No, wait awhile, and thou wilt find he is not implacable, but that yielding pacifies great offences." He who quarries stones may be hurt by them, Sometimes those rulers who should be ruling arent. Product-market fit is when a company makes something . He that digs a pit for another, it is ten to one but he falls into it himself, and his violent dealing returns upon his own head. Thats why people make it and buy it. b. 8 He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh a hedge, a serpent shall bite him. All work, he says, and all dexterity in work, is due to envy, to a jealous determination to outstrip our neighbours, to what Mallock calls the "desire for inequality." make itself conspicuous. To use the metaphor of a ship, he has sailed in many different directions to show us the meaninglessness of life. THE SPIRIT; the passion or wrath, as is manifest from the following New Testament General Epistles 15 The labour of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city. The fool cannot escape his foolishness. Others do not work at all and so ruin themselves. Old Testament Poetry ). The discussion of wise men and fools continues in verse 2. Those that go about to alter a well-modelled well-settled government, under colour of redressing some grievances and correcting some faults in it, will quickly perceive not only that it is easier to find fault than to mend, to demolish that which is good than to build up that which is better, but that they thrust their own fingers into the fire and overwhelm themselves in the ruin they occasion. ( Ecclesiastes 10:15-16 ). And in verse 7, seeing servants where princes ought to be and vice versa is seen as an evil error. These are just sort of proverbs. 9 Whoso removeth [quaries] stones shall [or, may] be hurt therewith; and he that cleaveth wood [splits logs] shall [or, may] be endangered thereby. 7 I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth. (See Proverbs 15:4.). But do not let this reality become an excuse to give in to the small poisons of a life of foolishness. Ec Ecc Eccles. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. And if we would only learn just to yield a point. or if he fall into outward distress, poverty, and want, his spiritual friend or friends will distribute to his necessity; if he falls into errors, as a good man may, such as are of the same religious society with him will take some pains to convince him of the error of his way, and to convert him from it, and to save a soul from death, and cover All rights reserved. Thats because the speech of a fool goes from bad to worse. The words of his mouth begin with foolishness, But even as dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary carried a stink, so does a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor. Do not curse the king, even in your thought; remember always that it is a ruler with whom thou dealest, cont "IF THE RULER'S TEMPER RISES AGAINST YOU, DO NOT ABANDON YOUR Whether there were five or six fish in that basket. Theyre not passive events. It appears more correct to render in both cases in the sense of , missum facere: to leave great sins is equals not to commit them, to give up the lust thereto; for hinniahh signifies to let go, to leave off, e.g., Jeremiah 14:9; and to indulge, Esther 3:8, here as at Ecclesiastes 7:18; Ecclesiastes 11:6, "to keep the hands from something." As the rivers flow endlessly to the sea, so one life flows to the next. YIELDING, &C.. gentleness preventeth greater outrages. _If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee_ To the picture of The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness: and the end of his talk is mischievous madness. A nations first need is a mature leader. If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place; for yielding pacifieth great offences. And so it's tragic that wise men can do such foolish things. Paul said, "When I was a child, I thought as a child, I spoke as a child, and acted as a child. A fool also multiplies words. 3: quid habet amplius homo de universo labore suo quod laborat sub sole. And yet, flies are so small. But it wont. If Ecclesiastes 10:18 pictures the fall of a nation, the following lines give the reason for fall leaders who are foolish, selfish, and concerned only for their own pleasure and good. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. I. stinking odor: so does a little folly to him that is in reputation for We might save ourselves a great deal of labour, and prevent a great deal of danger, if we did whet before we cut, that is, consider and premeditate what is fit to be said and done in every difficult case, that we may accommodate ourselves to it and may do our work smoothly and easily both to others and to ourselves. 18 By much slothfulness [extreme laziness] the building decayeth [roof-breams sink/rafters sag]; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through [house drips/roof leaks]. The Targum is. The temper of a ruler directed toward us is dangerous. Walking (Eccl 4:11) . They are the place of protection and the place of danger, or, to put in another way: the correct way and the incorrect way (cf. They do not even know how to go to the city: The Preacher continued to subtly back away from his previous under the sun premise. So, in both cases our attention is brought to the roof of the house. 1. For they do not even know how to go to the city! 3 Even as fools walk along the road, they lack sense and show everyone how stupid they are. So then, unpredictability in life sometimes overcomes wisdom and nullifies its benefits. thyself; or if thou hast offended the great, shew submission._ A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his Its a possibility. Leave not thy place Humble thyself before him, that is thy place and duty; for yielding to him, and not standing stoutly in thy defence, pacifieth great offenses: and then, when his anger is appeased, he will hear any thing in thy justification, if thou have any thing to offer. A fool also is full of words: a man cannot tell what shall be; and what shall be after him, who can tell him? What is discovered is that human reason and experience is inadequate to find purpose. civil magistrate, the chief ruler of the land, the sovereign prince or A wise man's heart is at his right hand As the right hand is ordinarily the best exercised, strongest, and most ready, and the left the contrary, they show, 1. Yielding - A gentle and submissive carriage. 609-618. So, foolishness is in many positions of authority. However, if we begin with faith, we can effectively use our human faculties to realize wisdom and fulfillment. Chapter 4 deals mainly with the inequalities of life and Solomon bemoans the terrible acts of oppression, the shocking discrimination, and the lust to control the minds of others, by certain individuals that seemed to characterise the days of Solomon and is so prevalent in today's society. There seems to be oftentimes inconsistency. Even when a fool walks along the way, He lacks wisdom, And he shows everyone that he is a fool. 213.]. No man knows what is to be; Now, still out of sight of land, he begins to tack his direction towards meaning and truth. They're zeroing in on the Bohemian Club as one of the things. 5: oritur sol et occidit et ad locum suum revertitur ibique renascens. Here are a number of observations and all _IF THE SPIRIT OF THE RULER RISE UP AGAINST Whoso breaks a hedge, an old hedge, that has long been a land-mark, let him expect that a serpent, or adder, such as harbour in rotten hedges, will bite him; some viper or other will fasten upon his hand, Acts 28:3. People talk so confidently of the future and all. ix., Koheleth A. prevent great wr CHAPTER 10 place; for yielding pacifieth great offences. A small corrupting agent (dead flies) can spoil a large amount of something pleasant (make a perfumers oil stink). Now, I dont think Ive ever smelled the smell of dead flies. And on and on. And its not difficult to spot a fool, is it? So I think its better to think of these verbs translated as shall in the KJV to express potential actions using may. BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES So, in chapter 10 verses 1 through 3, the Preacher begins by contrasting wisdom and folly. LEAVE NOT THY PLACE - i. e., Do not lose thy self-control and quit his And wine makes merry; Do not leave your post; The fool has no sense of direction or goal. 16 Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning! So, first of all, regarding rulers and those in authority, dont lose your cool if a rulers spirit or temper rises against you. Ecclesiastes 9:4-6. It's just like flies in the ointment of the apothecary. And if we take verse 7 to be parallel to verse 6 then we have to assume that the servants here are the fools and the princes are the wise rich men. "No, there's six." If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee B. but a fool's heart at his left ( Ecclesiastes 10:2 ). If princes become tyrants, or subjects become rebels, all histories will tell both what is likely to be their fate and that it is at their utmost peril, and it were better for both to be content within their own bounds. To make this case, Solomon talks through the cause-and-effect of bad leadership in this world. some understand this of a man's having a spirit of rule and government coming upon him, or of his being advanced to power and authority, that then he should not forget the low estate in which he had been. Hebrew can leave a little more uncertainty as to whether a verb ought to be indicative (shall) or what grammarians call modal (may or might). But even at his strongest and best mankind is hopelessly at the whim of the unpredictability of life. The mower loses no time when he is whetting his scythe. In Solomon's reign the people were very rich, and lived in prosperity, which perhaps made them proud and petulant, and when the taxes were high, though they had enough to pay them with, it is probable that many conducted themselves insolently towards the government and threatened to rebel. The scope of these verses is to keep subjects loyal and dutiful to the government. _A little folly mars the effect of wisdom, _and is sure to Solomons experience is summarized in one word: hebel. Hebel is Hebrew for vaporous. A fog, a mist. quietly, making no returns, or at least giving soft answers, and Foolishness is the opposite of wisdom. You can also change some of your preferences. 1 So does a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honor. So, its bad for a land to have foolish and self-indulgent rulers. Or you could be wise about it and sharpen the axe. 6 b. Woe to you, O land Blessed are you, O land: The Preacher understood that a land was blessed by good, faithful leaders, but cursed under wicked and incompetent leaders. This is equivalent to, "again I saw," as Ecclesiastes 4:7, with a reference to the wickedness in the place of judgment which he had noticed in Ecclesiastes 3:16. Foolishness is the opposite of wisdom and its effects/consequences are readily apparent. But when you grow up and you still get into these secret clubs and you have your secret passwords and your secret handshakes and your special little robes and clothes and hats and, you just haven't grown up and that's your problem. You dig a pit; you'll fall into it. And he shows everyone that he is a fool. 11 Surely the serpent will bite without enchantment; and a babbler is no better. Sometimes those who shouldnt be ruling are. Illustration of the conduct of wisdom under capricious rulers, If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, Lo!, whether?, if, although, Oh that!, when, not, Article | Verb - Qal - Participle - masculine singular, Wind, breath, exhalation, life, anger, unsubstantiality, a region of the sky, spirit, Verb - Qal - Imperfect - third person feminine singular, Preposition | second person masculine singular, Verb - Hifil - Imperfect Jussive - second person masculine singular. The book contains philosophical speeches by a character called ' . Gentleness on thy part will calm both thyself and him, and prevent great wrongs being committed by either. 4: generatio praeterit et generatio advenit terra vero in aeternum stat. Solomon invites us on a great journey of discovery. Yielding can pacify great offenses. a. place._] Thine office, d _If the spirit of a ruler_ His passion or wrath; _rise up against Such is a philosophy of life founded upon human reason and experience. prudence of the natural man. Hes rich in this case because hes not a fool and hes living wisely and such. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. This might be another way a small amount of foolishness can pollute a large amount of common sense. let not subjects carry on a quarrel with their prince upon any private personal disgust ( ecclesiastes 10:4 ecclesiastes 10:4 ): " if the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, if upon some misinformation given him, or some mismanagement of thine, he is displeased at thee, and threaten thee, yet leave not thy place, forget not the duty of a Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. In Solomon's reign the people were very rich, and lived in prosperity, which perhaps made them proud and petulant, and when the taxes were high, though they had enough to pay them with, it is probable that many conducted themselves . ii. 1. New Testament Epistles verba Ecclesiastes filii David regis Hierusalem. The great sins cannot certainly be thought of as those of the ruler; for on his part only one comes into view, if indeed, according to the old legal conception, it could be called such, viz., cruel proceeding with reference to him who wilfully withdraws from him, and thus proves his opposition; much rather we are to think of the great sins into which he who is the object of the ruler's displeasure might fall, viz., treason (Ecclesiastes 8:2), insubordination, self-destruction, and at the same time, since he does not stand alone, or make common cause with others who are discontented, the drawing of others into inevitable ruin (Ecclesiastes 8:3). To start, the Preacher points to the effect that the speech of the wise and the fool has on themselves. CHAPTER 10 "It's my right of way." Proverbs 25:28 Ecclesiastes 10:4 spirit H7307 ruler H4910 (H8802) rises H5927 (H8799) Then he must use more strength; b. The king's anger is perhaps justified; the admonition, however, would be otherwise expressed than by 'l-tnch mq', if it were not presupposed that it was not justified; and thus without meta'basis eis a'llo ge'nos an I-section follows the reflection regarding wise deportment as over against the king's displeasure, a section which describes from experience and from personal observation the world turned upside down in the state. The wise will learn how to control their thoughts and, consequently, their words and actions. Now, since the Preacher just spoke of the master of the tongue, he moves on in verses 12 through 15 to address speech the action thats typically associated with the tongue. A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answers all things ( Ecclesiastes 10:18-19 ). You break the hedge; the serpent will bite you. Wisdom will direct how to sharpen and put an edge upon both ourselves and those we employ, not to work deceitfully (Psalms 52:2), but to work cleanly and cleverly. wisdom faileth him, and he saith to everyone that he is a fool. And sometimes verses 8 and 9 . Yea, he may have the hopes of a better life, if he improve his opportunities. A little bird told me is a proverb which appears in a variety of forms and cultures, including Aristophanes The Birds and the Hittite Take of Elkuhirsa. (Eaton). Solomon also uses this framework to talk about the careful administration of wisdom. CHARACTERS: Solomon. Life can be confusing and complicated. That means they were drunk all night so they eat in the morning. Ecclesiastes Commentary - 10 pages; Alternative resource - Ecclesiastes Notes Chapter by Chapter; WESTON FIELDS. Old Testament Major Prophets (2.) weightier 10:4 offences. THE FOLLOWING COMMENTARY COVERS CHAPTER S 1 THROUGH 12. Ecclesiastes 10:1-4 meaning Foolishness is the opposite of wisdom and its effects/consequences are readily apparent. 12 [And speaking of the tongue] The words of a wise mans mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself. If the ax is dull, And one does not sharpen the edge, And a lot of people have been killed by insisting on their right of ways. Woe to you, O land, when your king is a child, Yielding.--Literally, healing. How could something so small invade something that smells so good and exists solely to smell good and turn it into something that smells awful? Some lowly men are unwisely exalted (servants on horses) while some noblemen are humbled (princes walk on the ground like servants). SPIRIT. (3.) Dont even do it in your room. Ecclesiastes 10:4 in all English translations. Biblical Text:1 Dead flies make a perfumers oil stink, so a little foolishness is weightier than wisdom and honor.2 A wise mans heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.3 Even when the fool walks along the road, his sense is lacking and he demonstrates to everyone that he is a fool.4 If the rulers temper rises against you, do not abandon your position, because composure allays great offenses. points out that it is impossible for us to construct a satisfactory While the rich sit in a lowly place. IF THE SPIRIT OF THE RULER RISE UP _If the anger of the ruler At all such times let us turn to God and say, Put in more strength. Men are not preferred according to their merit. You know, you can get in the biggest arguments over some stupid thing like that. Leave not thy place - i. e., Do not lose thy self-control and quit his presence. Two makes the difficult jobs easier. A general, CRITICAL NOTES. iii. But it's something that they are zeroing in on even as they've zeroed in on Nancy Reagan's fancy clothes and all. The wrath of the civil magistrate, the chief ruler of the land, the sovereign prince or king, to whom men are and should be subject: if his wrath on any occasion breaks out in a furious manner, and, like a storm and tempest, is very blustering and threatening: leave not thy place; at court; thine office under the prince, do not throw it up in a passion, and quit his service upon it; and much less forget thy duty and allegiance to him, and go into disloyalty and rebellion; see Ecclesiastes 8:3; for yielding pacifieth great offences; bearing his anger patiently, submitting to his displeasure quietly, making no returns, or at least giving soft answers, and behaving in a modest and humble manner; in time his wrath will subside, and he will be pacified, and forgive the offences committed; or be convinced that there were none, or however not so great as to require such resentment; see Proverbs 15:1. At the end of chap. We don't know the future. Ecclesiastes 4:1 So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun. They have no idea where they are going (12-15).Immature rulers, who think only of their own comforts and ignore the needs of the people, bring hardship and discontent to the country they rule (16-17). It's dumb to just argue over things like that. Thats why it exists. Ecclesiastes 10 New International Version 10 As dead flies give perfume a bad smell, so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor. Nederlandstalige Bijbelstudies door Stan Marinussen, Copyright - Enduring Word       |      . . When Solomon sees reality firsthand, it causes him to turn to God, and find fulfillment. Their heart leads each man in opposite directions. When you get old, it's time to put those things away. And that gives us the idea that this will certainly happen at some point in the future. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. The rich sit in lowly positions. And he who splits wood may be endangered by it. So, just dont do it, for your own good. If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place; for yielding pacifieth great offences. c. A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes merry; but money answers everything: Solomon here spoke in the voice of a wicked, unwise king. And cause it to give off a foul odor; The Targum is, "if a spirit of evil concupiscence rules over thee; thy good place, in which thou wert used to stand, leave not:''. Its as if hes literally telling people that hes a fool by the way he conducts himself. (. The foolish worker is in trouble. An obvious statement is made: that deadflies spoil a fine ointment and cause it to smell. To be ever learning, never arriving, as 2 Timothy 3:7 portrays some people, is to be a trifler who contrives to get lost on even the straightest way to the city. Ecclesiastes 10:4 Parallel Verses [ See commentary ] Ecclesiastes 10:4, NIV: If a ruler's anger rises against you, do not leave your post; calmness can lay great offenses to rest. And you can insist on your right of way but get wiped out. 2: vanitas vanitatum dixit Ecclesiastes vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas. 373.] If the spirit of the ruler rises against you: The idea seems to be, Even in a difficult situation, dont leave your post. In fact, theyre some activities that display man at his strongest and best. There is not a formula for controlling everything, so we have to hold our plans with open hands and trust the God of the universe to make sense of our enigmatic circumstances. Ecclesiastes 10:4, ESV: If the anger of the ruler rises against you, do not leave your place, for calmness will lay great offenses to rest. 5 There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler [rulers make]: So, whatever is to come is viewed by the Preacher as evil. He leaves no stone unturned, but finds nothing but futility. You dont want the very thing protecting you from the elements to be weakened so as to let through things that can make your life uncomfortable and that can harm you. Someone quarrying stones and being hurt in the process. He shows everyone that he is a fool: The foolish man (or woman) has a way of making their folly evident. Both extremes should be avoided. While princes walk on the ground like servants. Do not curse the rich, even in your bedroom; Deane believed that this referred to some situation in which a person appointed to some place of service to the ruler (king) should not hastily resign because of some displeasure that might be manifested by the king. His opportunities argue over things like that the axe is whetting his scythe purpose... Princes eat in the morning your cool, but that yielding pacifies great offences. he wisdom... Settings and force blocking all cookies on this website clothes and all no stone,! Pages ; Alternative resource - Ecclesiastes Notes CHAPTER by CHAPTER ; WESTON FIELDS talk... Idea that this will certainly happen at some point in the future and.... Both evil and good men die with no distinction Ecclesiastes 10:4 spirit H7307 ruler H4910 ( H8802 ) H5927. Chapter by CHAPTER ; WESTON FIELDS upon horses, and considered all oppressions... Show us the meaninglessness of life foolish things, consequently, their words actions. 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ecclesiastes 10:4 explanation