children's sermons on philippians 4:13

Not by miracle or magic; not by acting upon us without our knowledge or against our will, but through our own intelligent and active powers.2. Before the full bearing and value of these verses can be realized, I think they require to be read several times over. When we tell the storyREJOICE! Among all the names of God perhaps the most comprehensive is the name Jehovah. - W.F.A. Not that I seek for the gift; but I seek for the fruit that increaseth to your account. 'But I rejoice in the Lord greatly, that now at length ye have revived your thought for me; wherein ye did indeed take thought, but ye lacked opportunity. Not only did it hang there but it upheld four thousand pounds weight attached to it! Faith+Blessing:Say together the words from Philippians 4:5 (NRSV) while doing the following actions: Let your gentleness(flat hands palms facing body circle each other) be known to everyone(open hands and arms out). 5). If we begin reading in Philippians 4:10-14 I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern . The word and the thing crop up in every chapter, like some hidden brook, ever and anon sparkling out into the sunshine from beneath the shadows. New International Version Update. ; but , 2. He alone is able to keep it, and He can so keep it that "nothing shall offend us." That is the way to take His burden up. He felt he needed more strength to bear the dread ordeal in a worthy manner, so being left a few moments to himself, he cried in an agony of prayer that God would more sensibly reveal Himself to him. It applies to the whole life. 8. 'There,' said he, 'is the mighty force that sets the work in motion. He may brave dangers and accomplish many wonderful works, but he does not know how to be abased and how to abound. It is a good thing to rejoice in the Lord. )Strength in Christ"I was requested," said the late Dr. Macleod, "by a brother minister, who was unwell, to go and visit a dying boy. 4. Not by miracle or magic; not by acting upon us without our knowledge or against our will, but through our own intelligent and active powers.2. We rest not for resting's sake but for work's sake. 6, 7.) When God begins to subdue a soul, He often requires us to yield the things that are of little importance in themselves, and thus break our neck and subdue our spirit. Martin. The letter shows him to us as a prisoner, dependent on Christian charity Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureThe Warrior Peace'The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.'--PHIL. The horseshoe magnet was not welded or glued to the metal above it, but through the iron wire coiled round it there ran a subtle current of electricity from a galvanic battery. A. To think nothing impossible is the privilege of faith. A. It has been well said that this whole epistle may be summed up in two short sentences: 'I rejoice'; 'Rejoice ye!' You would probably listen with more attention to one less remote from you in years, and may be disposed to Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureHow to Obey an Impossible Injunction'Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.'--PHIL. By instructing us in the knowledge of our weakness and His own strength.3. ", 2. Series Note: In the lectionary year A Pentecost 14 through 17 we read through Philippians as the Epistle each week. No Christian worker can ever be used of God until the proud self-will is broken, and the heart is ready to yield to God's Rev. Phil. 12). I know how to be abased, and I know also how to abound: in everything and in all things have I learned the secret both to be filled and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in want. Our power "through Christ which strengthens us" is limitless. iv. )The fountain of strengthJ. We are to pray about everything, and with every prayer we must blend our thanksgivings. 3. Chapter 7 A Manifestation of God in Answer to Prayer (Acts 4:31.) Paul gives particular instances, then generalizes. 1. 1. 13). I venture to apply them to ourselves, and I speak now especially to the members of my own church and congregation. Chapter 3 God's Peace Obtained in Answer to Prayer (Philippians 4:6, 7.) We need not be taught Charles Haddon SpurgeonSpurgeon's Sermons Volume 6: 1860The Bible the Great Civilizer(Fourth Sunday in Lent.) The word Jehovah means the self-existing One, the "I am"; and it is generally used as a direct revelation of what God is. "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." These closing words fall into three unconnected parts, a doxology, greetings, and a benediction. This is a defect we cannot supply. Martin. THE HUMAN CONFIRMATION. Some Christians are called to undergo extreme changes from wealth to poverty, and from poverty to wealth, and, alas, there is often a corresponding spiritual change; the one desponds, the other is elated or becomes avaricious. This may be the biggest promise of all because it is so broad. iv. We begin our Christian life by working, trying and struggling in the energy of the flesh to save Rev. H. HowardStandards of Life and ServiceJehovah"That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most High over all the earth." The Christian becomes "a law unto himself," but behind the Christian and the law is the great Inspirer Christ. Thou art, if not the only, yet the chief object of their labours, their work being either to confirm and strengthen thee in thy way, that thou mayest so stand fast in the Lord, or remove impediments, make crooked things Hugh BinningThe Works of the Rev. Our power "through Christ which strengthens us" is limitless. A prisoner in a Roman prison; and when Rome fixed its claws it did not usually let go without drawing blood. All the saints salute you, especially they that are of Caesar's household. God is with usREJOICE! A fine harmony in the two statements. All the saints salute you, especially they that are of Caesar's household. It is linked with God's and made the grander for the union. He is the Saviour from the curse of life sin. 3. iv. We must Charles Haddon SpurgeonSpurgeon's Sermons Volume 25: 1879How to Keep the HeartThis evening we shall use another figure, distinct from the one used in the morning, of the reservoir. The greatness of Christ as suggested by the place given Him by such a man as Paul. I Can Do All Things Through Christ Youth's T-Shirt Philippians 4:13 Shirts . With a flush of earnestness on his face, he tried, but found he could paint no better with the master's brush than with his own. No Christian worker can ever be used of God until the proud self-will is broken, and the heart is ready to yield to God's Rev. Iv. These closing words fall into three unconnected parts, a doxology, greetings, and a benediction. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.'--PHIL. It is linked with God's and made the grander for the union. After drawing near to him, and speaking some words of sympathy, he looked at me with his blue eyes he could not move, it was the night before he died and breathed into my ear these few words: 'I am strong in Him.' Philippians, Sermons, Sermons 2004, Sermons by Book Standing Firm - Philippians 4:1 August 22, 2004 Download MP3 Grace Bible Church Standing Firm - Philippians 4:1 (Greek words can be viewed using the Symbol font) Sermon Study Sheets Pastor Scott L. Harris Grace Bible Church, NY August 22, 2004 Standing Firm Philippians 4:1 Introduction A. If his connection with Christ is cut off, in an instant he becomes as any other man.(T. It is not peace with God, but the peace of God. So, if we give our trials to Him, He will carry them. You would probably listen with more attention to one less remote from you in years, and may be disposed to Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureHow to Obey an Impossible Injunction'Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.'--PHIL. A. iv. A prisoner in a Roman prison; and when Rome fixed its claws it did not usually let go without drawing blood. 6, 7.) Chapter 5 Praying without Doubting (Mark 11:23.) B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth March 24. Chapter 2 Our Requests Made Known unto God (Philippians 4:6.) You will find that His burden is always light. Do you remember the blessing we have been saying? Chapter 8 The Intercessory Prayers of Christians (Luke 11:5, 6.) By supplying us with the great motive power His constraining love. Not by miracle or magic; not by acting upon us without our knowledge or against our will, but through our own intelligent and active powers.2. Over its western portal may still be read, graven on a brazen plate, the words, 'Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.' That is the way to take His burden up. Paul was as gentle as he was strong. These closing words fall into three unconnected parts, a doxology, greetings, and a benediction. A. I cannot burn! Faith can move mountains, not by reason of its own inherent virtue, but because it invokes the omnipotence of God, as the engineer starts the train when he turns on the steam. In all life's experiences, conflicts, emergencies, Christ has preceded us. iv. Keep on with your medicine, and when you cannot feel any joy, when there is no spring, and no seeming comfort and encouragement, still rejoice, and count it all joy. By working faith in us, which brings us into vital union with Him who is the source of strength. Swallow. . Even if the sentences are read through slowly, just as they stand, a deep sense of blessing and rest steals into T. He told me before some remarkable things of this boy. iv. To think nothing impossible is the privilege of faith. "And again I say, rejoice" (Phil. He alone is able to keep it, and He can so keep it that "nothing shall offend us." So should our gratitude be.(J. Hence it follows that we ought always to be in a thankful condition of heart: since we are to pray without ceasing, and are not to pray without thanksgiving, it is clear that we ought to be always ready to give thanks unto the Lord. Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureFarewell Words'Now unto our God and Father be the glory for ever and ever, Amen. A. 5. Why did that woman succeed, when the strong sailor and the practised Highlander had failed? The exertion of weakness can not produce strength. (Philippians iv. 1. For years he had not known one day's rest. Every common task to which we place our shoulder and each Christian duty to which we are called, can only be successfully discharged as we rely on the Lord Jesus Christ for guidance and strength. You would probably listen with more attention to one less remote from you in years, and may be disposed to Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureHow to Obey an Impossible Injunction'Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.'--PHIL. 6). Spurgeon. This continual refrain of gladness is all the more remarkable if we remember the Apostle's circumstances. Perhaps you found the first dose ineffectual. M. AndersonPrayer Availeth Much, Worry Versus PeaceBe careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. So does all the lifting power of the Christian come from the currents of spiritual influence which flow into his heart from the living Jesus. God's rest did not come till after His work was over, and ours will not. By God's help the weakest of us may be strong, and it is the way to become so, to resolve never to give up a good work till we have tried our best to achieve it. Swallow. Chapter 9 The Three Essentials of T. Iv. Jesus often used children as an example of faith and other positive Christian qualities. 7. and as to Christ thy Lord, most comely "as the lily among thorns," being his "love among the daughters," Cant. The exertion of weakness can not produce strength. H. HowardStandards of Life and ServiceJehovah"That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most High over all the earth." Chapter 8 The Intercessory Prayers of Christians (Luke 11:5, 6.) His spirit is here, we're going to hear his word today. A. ", IV. (Manual of Anecdotes. This assurance covers all the necessities of our Christian life perseverance, cross-bearing and self-crucifixion, Christian work, the prospect and experience of death.(S. 13). 5. Beloved, are you there? By His having done all things Himself. We may feel our dignity affronted, and our first impulse will be denial of, or objection to the universality of the statement. This continual refrain of gladness is all the more remarkable if we remember the Apostle's circumstances. : Be Involved Bible Learners Everyone A Children's Bible Study Object: a stack of different versions of Bibles Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. The Rev. Iv. iv. Once this has been repeated many times you will have a spider's web of wool in the circle. No Christian worker can ever be used of God until the proud self-will is broken, and the heart is ready to yield to God's, "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God" (Phil. This is a defect we cannot supply. 'There,' said he, 'is the mighty force that sets the work in motion. We have here a remarkable instance of his quick apprehension of the possible effects of his words, and of his nervous anxiety not to wound even unreasonable susceptibilities. It has been well said that this whole epistle may be summed up in two short sentences: 'I rejoice'; 'Rejoice ye!' The word and the thing crop up in every chapter, like some hidden brook, ever and anon sparkling out into the sunshine from beneath the shadows. It is not a power that may be exercised naturally, but a science to be acquired gradually. THE TRUE CHRISTIAN IS A STRONG SOUL. If you are going to have the whole congregation join in the blessing time then have it printed in the bulletin. "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God" (Phil. ii. It is "all things," even the otherwise impossible. 5). THE whole village ran after it; but the eagle soon perched itself upon the loftiest eyrie, and everyone despaired of the child being recovered. But I have all things, and abound: I am filled, having received from Epaphroditus the things that came from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScripturePrayer Perfumed with PraiseThe point to which I would draw your attention is this: that whether it be the general prayer or the specific supplication we are to offer either or both "with thanksgiving." 7. "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God" (Phil. We linger around the four great landmarks, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Gethsemane, Calvary, and they are a ceaseless inspiration to us. Chapter 2 Our Requests Made Known unto God (Philippians 4:6.) 6). The word Jehovah means the self-existing One, the "I am"; and it is generally used as a direct revelation of what God is. I can do all things in Him that strengtheneth me. The words I have chosen set forth very simply and beautifully the bond which knit Paul and these Philippian Christians together, and the chief desire which his Apostolic love had for them. And so he concludes with prayer and salutations.Dictionary of Bible ThemesPhilippians 4:131105God, power of5598victory, over spiritual forces5955strength, divine6163faults8485spiritual warfare, conflict9313resurrection, spiritualPhilippians 4:10-134966present, the5939satisfactionPhilippians 4:10-187402offeringsPhilippians 4:11-135871greed, response to6705peace, experiencePhilippians 4:11-145569suffering, hardshipPhilippians 4:12-135805comfortPhilippians 4:13-145776achievementLibraryNovember 24. The words I have chosen set forth very simply and beautifully the bond which knit Paul and these Philippian Christians together, and the chief desire which his Apostolic love had for them. L. Cuyler, D. D.)The secret of fortitudeJ. Spurgeon. B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth August 24. Weak faith can sprout and grow till it becomes great under the pressure of a great trial. "Be Careful for Nothing" (Phil. showing how he rejoiced at their generosity toward him while in prison.19. Winsome courtesy and delicate considerateness lay in his character, in beautiful union with fiery impetuosity and undaunted tenacity of conviction. iv. I cannot burn! H. Spurgeon.No man is likely to accomplish much who moodily indulges a desponding view of his own capacities. I know what it is to be in need, and . For years he had not known one day's rest. )The hidden source of powerA minister says: "The other day I was up in Lancashire, and my host took me to see one of those monster factories which are the wonders of civilization, covering acres of ground nobody knows how many stories high, and how many hundreds of windows they have to let in the light upon the industrious work people inside. Yours is a very heavy one. A. Alexander, D. D.)Dependence on ChristJ. That is the way to take His burden up. Hugh BinningChristmas Peace(Sunday before Christmas.) 4. iv. iv. 3. We can thank our current pop culture and Bible Object . There are some things we can do with. "I can do all things through Christ" (Phil. A. iv. THE DIVINE ASSERTION. By supplying us with the great motive power His constraining love.5. Say, "Philippians 4:13 says, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.'" Say, "That doesn't mean literally ALL things. "The peace that passes all understanding" is the very breath of God in the soul. A. 4. What is the way to lay your burden down? Happy day if you have exchanged burdens and laid down your loads at His blessed feet to take up His own instead. From how different a platform do they speak; one from conscious power to help, the other from conscious need of help. 2. B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth December 17. So with all Christians. 1. I can do all things in Him that strengtheneth me. We have here a remarkable instance of his quick apprehension of the possible effects of his words, and of his nervous anxiety not to wound even unreasonable susceptibilities. As the pride of man says, "I can do all things," so does Paul; only pride stops short here, whereas Paul adds, "through Christ," etc. The words I have chosen set forth very simply and beautifully the bond which knit Paul and these Philippian Christians together, and the chief desire which his Apostolic love had for them. We shall use the figure of a fortress, which is to be kept. He told me before some remarkable things of this boy. "Be Careful for Nothing" (Phil. FOR WHAT HE STRENGTHENS US.1. A. The great Mosque of Constantinople was once a Christian church, dedicated to the Holy Wisdom. L. Cuyler, D. D.When I was at Princeton, Professor Henry had so constructed a huge bar of iron, bent into the form of a horseshoe, that it used to hang suspended from another iron bar above it. It has been well said that this whole epistle may be summed up in two short sentences: 'I rejoice'; 'Rejoice ye!' (Philippians iv. This assurance covers all the necessities of our Christian life perseverance, cross-bearing and self-crucifixion, Christian work, the prospect and experience of death.(S. Over its western portal may still be read, graven on a brazen plate, the words, 'Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.' he proceeds to general exhortations,10. 6. Scripture Isaiah 41:10, Philippians 4:13 Preparation: Beforehand, prepare at least two things to happen when you point a remote control in that direction.. Get the person in charge of the lights to dim and brighten the lights when you point the remote at them. I venture to apply them to ourselves, and I speak now especially to the members of my own church and congregation. The word Jehovah means the self-existing One, the "I am"; and it is generally used as a direct revelation of what God is. 8. The very words of the next text might suggest this, even if we did not know it from experience. God's rest did not come till after His work was over, and ours will not. iv. Let us note, then, first, the personal bond which gives force Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureNames in the Book of Life'Other my fellow-labourers whose names are in the book of life.'--PHIL. iv. iv. Not only did it hang there but it upheld four thousand pounds weight attached to it! Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.'--PHIL. No Christian worker can ever be used of God until the proud self-will is broken, and the heart is ready to yield to God's Rev. Paul was as gentle as he was strong. By supplying us with the great motive power His constraining love.5. The lady then said to him, "You cannot paint like the great master unless you have his spirit."(W. We may feel our dignity affronted, and our first impulse will be denial of, or objection to the universality of the statement. By His Cross and death. )Power through the love of ChristManual of Anecdotes.ONE day, one the gigantic eagles of Scotland carried away an infant, which was sleeping by the fireside in its mother's cottage. So ministers are more tried than others, partly because of their vocation, and partly that they may have wisdom and grace to succour the tempted. out Christ and yet considering Him as God we cannot even do evil without the strength He supplies. "Let your moderation be known unto all men" (Phil. Commit means to hand over, to trust wholly to another. M. AndersonPrayer Availeth MuchWorry Versus PeaceBe careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. lpow thermometer how to change to celsius, ( Acts 4:31. otherwise impossible day 's rest can do all things through which... Speak ; one from conscious need of help can be realized, I think require... Desponding view of His own capacities spirit is here, we & x27... The gift ; but I seek for the gift ; but I seek for the union ' Phil... Of all because it is not peace with God 's and made the grander the... 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children's sermons on philippians 4:13